Get into Control with the Maxiflex Process Automation Suite
Ian Loudon
Maxiflex P3 CPU Released
The Latest product release from Omniflex features the Launch of the Maxiflex Process Automation Suite. The Maxiflex P3 CPU was the key component of this but is by no means the most important, it is purely the culmination of our development towards a complete Process Automation Suite.
We have earned a reputation for being Monitoring and Data Acquisition experts but now the P3 CPU puts Process Control firmly in the hands of our system integrators and end users. We use an IEC61131 Standard programming environment with 6 languages from Ladder through to Sequential Flow Chart. Maxiflex is now in Control!
The Process Automation Suite comprises:
- IEC 61131 Control Strategy Programming Environment for Windows
- The Maxiflex PAC (Process Automation Controllers - P3 CPUs)
- The Maxiflex Flexible Networking Environment
- The Maxiflex Hierarchical Networking Technology
- The Maxiflex Remote I/O Sub Systems Technology
- Program-less Data Acquisition Function
- Program-less Telemetry Functions
- Integrated Date and Time Stamp (Event) Service
OPC Servers for a Variety of Network Protocols including Ethernet
What about the automated Data Acquisition and Telemetry?
Our unsurpassed Data Acquisition and Telemetry system applications are still and integral part of the suite. It's not just about the P3 CPU it's everything we have put together over the years and you still have all the system functionality we had before. Maxiflex has a suite of product applications that can be assembled in hierarchical fashion to tackle any Process Control Applications. You can now mix and match with amazing flexibility.
You have:
- I/O System (Analogues, Digital's Direct Temperature Inputs and other third party serial devices)
- Remote I/O Systems and Sub Systems (Collecting Data on Networks or wireless)
- Control Strategy Programming (6 Programming Languages)
- Open Networking Technology (Fieldbus to Ethernet Backbone)
- Redundant Networking
- OPC Servers (Open Servers for SCADA and DCS)
- Connectivity to DCS and SCADA
All of the "under the bonnet" features you have become accustomed to are still there to be used without having to create application programs for them.
- Date and Time Stamped Events
- Program-less Telemetry
- Auto I/O scanning
- Program-less Data Acquisition
All linked into your programming environment
Sell Your Value added services with contracts and support
The IEC 61131 Workbench and Engineering Diagnostic Tools
Using an Internationally accepted standard programming environment offers users an quality engineering and documentation environment upon which company standards can be built. Compatibility of applications and portability amongst programming staff become more important in the life cycle of any application. Create your own specialist applications in any one of the 6 Languages supported:
- Ladder
- Function Block
- Flow Chart
- Sequential Function Chart
- Structured Text
- Instruction List
The Workbench is scaled from 32 to unlimited I/O size tailoring the price to suit the size of application. You can now tackle Interlock Controls, Analogue Signal Processing with Trip/Alarm Interlocks and control algorithms right up to PID with Auto Tuning.
Conet Explorer provides the diagnostics tools for Networking and browsing and configuration of the CPU and intelligent I/O module parameters.
Open Networking Technology
Open Networking Technology
Open Networks is a prerequisite on modern plant. Maxiflex takes you all the way from Fieldbus level to Ethernet. We are adding to list all the time.
- Ethernet Conet/e
- Ethernet Modbus TCP
- Conet/c (Twisted Pair)
- Conet/s (Wide Area Networks)
- Conet/m (Radio)
- Modbus
- Hart
- Tell us what other Network is important to you.
Last Month:
Last month we talked about several important topics including:
- Get into Control with the Maxiflex Process Automation Suite
- What about the automated Data Acquisition and Telemetry?
- Sell Your Value added services with contracts and support
- Open Networking Technology
If you missed these or other key discussions,
you can find the back issues on the newsletters
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